EASI-SMR is divided into 9 Work Packages (WP), which form the backbone of the project and enable it
to carry out its milestones.
Each of them is led by experts in thier field and together, these
leaders coordinate and drive forward the key aspects of the project.
Maria Oksa
Senior Scientist, Project Manager (Nuclear Energy Solutions)VTT
WP1: Transverse topics for LW SMR acceptability and licensing
Franck Morin
Fellow Expert Reactor Design and SafetyCEA
WP2: Experimental tests program
Fulvio Mascari
Senior ResearcherENEA
WP3: Code validation, scaling
Petr Bízek
Nuclear Safety Assessment Expert (PSA)UJV REZ AS
WP4: Reliability of passive systems
Céline Poret
Deputy Head of the Human & Social Sciences Laboratory Researcher in ErgonomicsASNR
WP5: Human & Organizational Factors
Elena Bernardo Quejido
Researcher in Powder Metallurgy & Additive ManufacturingCIEMAT
WP6: SG Mock-up by additive manufacturing techniques
Victor Hugo Sanchez Espinoza
Deputy Director and Group LeaderKIT
WP7: Advanced Core Physics Studies of Boron-Free SMR-cores
Kateryna Piliuhina
Programme Manager/ Head of Nuclear Safeguards and Security directionENEN
WP8: Communication, Education & Training
Nicolas Sobecki
SMR Project ManagerEDF
WP9: Project Management and Coordination